Just read an article about a teenaged boy whose mom died and even though he became homeless he graduated from high school as valedictorian with a 4.65 average. He was able to overcome adversity and still push on, he DID IT! Why is it that some kids, heck even some adults, overcome adversity rising above their situation and circumstances defeating the odds of success? Are they born with tenacity or the will to overcome? Do they happen to be at the right place at the right time? What is it? Some students try so hard to learn without receivng any encouragement from parents or teachers. Some teachers try so hard to teach students without getting any support from parents or students. Yet despite circumstances some great teachers still teach and some disadvantaged students still succeed. The common thread I hear over and over is NEVER GIVE UP! You see the strange thing about the mind is, if it thinks it can do something, it will tell you to continue to try until you do it. Some call it the "power of positive thinking" others call it "success the greatest revenge" and still others say "it's your inner spirit speaking to you". But whatever you call it, it allows you to keep pushing beyond your situation and circumstance. And each one of us gets a chance to help awaken that desire, that mindset for someone or maybe for ourselves. It's something that we read, that we see or hear. It's something that we're told or taught. That something can be you. Have you encouraged someone today?
NEVER GIVE UP, YOU CAN DO IT! Read http://tiny.cc/you-can-do-it
I'm P.Denise Smith and that's my two cents.
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