Sunday, October 27, 2013


Well It's Sunday and most people like to sit down to a good home cooked meal on Sunday or at least go to a restaurant that has some good home cooking.Well I decided to have a  good home cooked meal the "new fangled way", I brought stouffer's frozen family size mac-n- cheese, stoufer's frozen family size meatloaf and added my own veggies. Lo and behold when I opened up the Stouffer's box the top had writing on it, so I read it. AND guess what it said? It said "kids who have family dinners may get better grades". hummm And it also said "teens who eat family dinners confide in their parents".

With all the technology we have today to help us communicate, have we forgotten about one of the simpliest of all? A good old fashion sit down dinner. Apparently Stouffer's recognizes this. I think that's one of the reasons we like Thanksgiving so much. We get to sit down with family and friends, have good food and good conversation. You know your grandma or your aunt or maybe your uncle is going to question the young teenaged boy/girl about their date (or friend that brought to dinner). You know sooner or later there's going to be a conversation about who did what, when they were growing up. The dinner table is where we often connect with one another. When we sit down and eat together we tend to talk to each other, about our lives. OR at least that was the ole' school way of doing things. Now on Sundays we eat but not together. One child may be in his/her room eating, mom may be talking on her cell phone while eating and dad may be in the family room watching TV while eating.  I know I may sound a little old fashioned but I really think there was merit to sitting down eating together and actually talking to one another.

Not everything in the good ole' days was good but I think this one thing is. Like Stouffer's says " Let's Fix Dinner". Let's take the time to sit down, talk with one another over a good meal. I think it makes a difference or at least it's a start.

That's my two cents.

To learn more about P.Denise Smith go to:

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