Friday, September 10, 2010

Is Paying Georgia Students To Get Good Grades The Answer

In 2008 we had several different incentive programs to get kids to study or increase their grades. We paid them to study and we paid them to get better grades. Read  NOW it's all up for discussion again. Yesss the debate is on in 2010.

 I was recently talking with my granddaughter who is 16 years old and learned that a friend of hers was paid $300 to attend summer school this past summer. Let me repeat that, $300 for attending summer school.  The drop out rate in the district that her friend attends is very high. Needless to say this sparked a good discussion between my granddaughter and me.

Then I was listening to a radio station and heard that several middle and high schools are paying students that have poor grades $100 to increase their grades. Of course the radio host asked people to call in with their opinion. There was a lot of talk about increasing our graduation rate and motivating kids to do better. But there also was discussion about rewarding those who were doing bad and not rewarding those who are doing good already.  

Is this a good solution to helping our teenagers stay in school and graduate? What message are we sending? What will happen if the money runs out, especially with all the budget cuts?

Discussion is only great if it leads to a productive solution or at least a plan.

Let me know what you think.     

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