According to a recent poll Generation Y Moms talk to their kids via text, cell and facebook more than face to face. Read Are we losing the art of being personal? Are we being reduced to short sentences (140 characters) and code for communication (SMH...for those of you who are not up on the lingo SMH means shaking my head)? Sure it's great to be able to talk with your son or daughter when they are not around but what's happening to the art of communication? As humans we thrive on relationships. Like sitting down to eat dinner together and talking about your day; like watching a movie and discussing it; like driving in the car and talking about the lastest happenings. These sorts of communication proved to have great benefits for our kids. There is something about face to face interaction that technology can't replace. There is something about looking at a person's face when they are talking that texting can't relay. You can't see a goofy smile or feel the warmth in your mom's voice (or the voice of dissappointment or anger) when you get a facebook, twitter or texting message.
Technology has it's place in family communication but I don't think that it should be the main way we communicate. Now more than ever our kids need us to be there for them, to listen to them, to guide them, to direct them...LET"S NOT TAKE SHORTCUTS!!!
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Very interesting and informative article. I can definately say that I am guilty of being a generation Y you called it. This makes me rethink a couple of my own communication skills and I appreciate the insight into something that we as parents have gotten sucked into and take so lightly. Great article! If ever in need of a tutor I will give you a call.